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Substance Names

Substance Names
Value Source
Synonymes (German)
Value Source
Name (English)
Value Source
aluminium tridodecanolate
1-Dodecanol, aluminum salt (3:1)

Substance Numbers

CAS Number
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EC Number
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List of sources

1203 IGS-Betreiberzentrum im LANUV NRW
1210 Schadstoffdatenbank Boden SSDB (1994)
2070 ACGIH Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances 2022
2205 Berufskrankheiten-Verordnung (BKV), 6/2021
2470 M. Negwer, Organic-chemical drugs and their synonyms, Akademie-Verlag, 7. Auflage, 1994
3250 Limites de Exposicion Profesional para Agentes Quimicos en Espana, Ministerio de Empleo y Siguridad Social 8/2023
3390 Haitallisiksi Tunnetut Pitoisuudet HTP-arvot 2020, Sosiaali- ja Terveysministeriö, FI, 10/2020
3392 Määruse Nr 293, Töökeskkonna Keemiliste Ohutegurite Piirnormid, Muutmine, EE, 08/2018
3716 Pravilnik o granicnim vrijednostima izlozenosti opasnim tvarima pri radu i o bioloskim granicnim vrijednostima, (HR), 10/2014
3967 Arbeidstilsynet, Tiltaks- og grenseverdier, Forskrift nr.704 (NO), 7/2022
4204 Ordinance No 13 dated 30.12.2003 on protection of workers from the risks related to chemical agents at work (BG), 9/2018
4271 REACH Vorregistrierung 3/2009
4274 EPA Toxic Substances Control Act Chemical Substance Inventory (TSCA Inventory) 6/2017
4686 Sanitarniyye pravila i normy SANPIN 1.2.3685-21 Gigienycheskiye normativy i trebovaniya k obespecheniyu bezoprasnosti i (ILI) bezvrednosti dyla cheloveka faktorov sredy obitanya, 3/2021
8051 GDL Gefahrstoffdatenbank der Länder 2013
8095 LANUV Literaturrecherche -2018